Teacher is high fiving student because teacher has been able to manage the classroom

How to Manage Classroom Dynamics Like a Boss

Hey teacher friend!


Do you hate being the super strict enforcer of policies in your classroom?


Do you struggle to stay consistent with the rules you create for your students?


Does the possibility of conflict make your skin crawl?


Then you’ve come to the right place! 


Welcome to your friendly back-pocket classroom management guide for tackling all your conflict-fearing woes and those pesky student behavior perplexities.

Teacher is unsure how to manage a classroom

As a high school teacher myself for 10 years, I understand the rollercoaster of challenges that comes with moving 150 very unique, very widely-skilled students through a year-long curriculum of study (that they likely couldn’t care less for). So, I more than understand and sympathize with the fact that running a class isn’t always a breeze.


But guess what? No matter how stressed you feel about your classes at this moment- no matter how eccentric of personalities your students have- no matter what your past classroom management mistakes are, I am here to tell you that you can absolutely achieve expert-level student behavior management in your classroom at any point in the year.


And my “How to Manage Your Classroom Like a Boss” guidebook will prove it to you.


As a more relatable take on classroom management, the guidebook below provides practical, ready-to-whip-out classroom management strategies to tackle the most common classroom behavior problems high school teachers face, such as…


  • What do I do if my class has too much energy (especially right before or after lunch)?
  • What do I do if my classroom flow as a teacher is continually disrupted by chatty students and their unproductive side conversations?
  • What do I do if my students won’t start work when I want them to? Either individually or in groups?
  • What do I do if a student is constantly on their cell phone?
  • What do I do if a student constantly leaves my class to use the restroom?
Teacher is doing a great job at managing the classroom

Hmmm… I bet you’re thinking, “Okay, you got me there, Claire. You’re definitely reading my mind somehow. But, listen, I’ve actually heard all this before. You’re about to hand me a lot of strategies that require me to be more firm and consistent with kids… or strategies that only target stronger relationship-building with my kids… And I’m not sure that any of that stuff will really help me at this point.”


Am I about right? 


So first off, let’s clear the air—being the strict sheriff of the classroom? Not my style, and if I had to guess, it’s probably not yours either. That’s why I created this guidebook, which is all about playing to your strengths and natural personality. Because as we all know, at the end of the day, when you’re in your element as a teacher, your students will naturally feel more comfortable too.


Hate conflicts? You’re not alone! You don’t need showdowns to manage well. This guidebook spills the beans on tackling issues without the drama and turning your class into a battle zone.


Consistency, not your strong suit? No judgment here. I’m not about being a rigid robot; this guidebook gets that. It’s packed with flexible strategies that bend and adapt with the school year’s twists and turns. So, no worries if sticking to the plan feels like a challenge – I’ve got your back! 


Didn’t kick off the school year with iron-clad discipline? Missed the ‘strong structure’ memo from admin? No worries! Every day is a new chance to hit the reset button. Change is the name of the game, and this guidebook will show you how to shift gears and create a positive classroom vibe.


Now, about building those student relationships– I know it’s not everyone’s strong suit. But guess what? You can still ace classroom management without being the ultimate relationship guru. This guidebook has tips to help you foster a welcoming and respectful classroom, even if you’re not a master of small talk.

Teacher is having an easier time managing a classroom because she is using teacher scripts

I get where you’re coming from with classroom management fears because, yep, I’ve been there too. Teaching’s a wild ride, and sometimes it’s a bit bumpy. But trust me, positive change is more doable than you think. 


This “How to Manage Your Classroom Like a Boss” guidebook is filled with PRACTICAL strategies you can implement right now to set up an environment where you never have to yell, become overbearing, or turn to stone again in your classroom!


Not to mention, it’s chock-full of all sorts of teacher scripts for all those deer-in-the-headlight, caught-up-in-the-moment behavior situations when you just don’t know what to say to the kid next.


So, are you ready to get your hands on all my masterclass behavior management strategies?! Let’s do this—download the guidebook, scribble notes in the margins, and remember, you’re not alone on this journey. 

Teacher is doing better at managing a classroom because she has a guidebook

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