Teacher does not have back to school teacher anxiety or the #SundayScaries

How to Kickstart Your School Year With Confidence

Are you a teacher who routinely falls off the face of the earth when the summer comes around? Are you a teacher who has written the book on workplace stress and anxiety and knows all too well the hashtags #teacherstress and #Sundayscaries on Instagram?

Teacher does not have anxiety or #SundayScaries because she is in summer mode

Well then, you have come to the right place, my friend. This blog post was made just for you. 


Because the truth is, no matter how skilled you are- no matter how much you planned over the summer- no matter how zen you feel- that first day back for teachers will always feel like tipping over trashcans and seeing the raccoons just scatter! Every teacher for themselves! Am I right?!


No matter how many years I’ve taught, it always feels like teacher prep week is insanely short. Walking through those school doors is like the ultimate dose of caffeine, pretty much a straight IV shot at that point! And no matter how long-lived a teaching staff is, people are always stressed. 

Teacher has back to school teacher anxiety and #SundayScaries

So this year, let’s change all that… at least for YOU! 


Let me be your guide on the side to help you kick off the easiest, breeziest, smoothest start to a school year yet!… Even (and especially!) if you majorly struggle with #Sundayscaries syndrome and haven’t planned a darn thing since you were at your desk last May.

Teacher has back to school teacher anxiety and #SundayScaries

Below, you’ll find a FREE “How To Kickstart Your School Year With Confidence” guidebook that will take you through the 3 steps I take as soon as I hit my teacher desk that first day back to school. 


Want a sneak peak?!


  • Step #1: Get a bird’s eye view of allllllll those lovely tasks that come at you on Day 1 of Teacher Prep week


  • Step #2: Arrange those tasks according to their task necessity and time/ effort requirement


  • And then Step #3… ooOoooOOoo, it’s my special secret! Can’t see this little number until you open up the guidebook below!


So, what do you say?!


Have I peaked your interest yet?


Download the FREE guidebook now and kick off the easiest, breeziest, smoothest start to a school year yet!

Teacher is smiling because she has a back to school teacher planner

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