What’s Your Why As A Teacher?


Dear Teacher,





A simple word.


Yet, so powerful.


The dictionary defines congruency as the “state of being in agreement or harmony.”


But there is a much greater depth to this word and what it means for our lives.


Congruency is that driving force, that pulls inside of us– always desiring to align the work that we do with the tenants we believe.


When congruency is present in our lives, it’s an inner stream of water that gives strength and direction to everything we do. We are continuously refreshed for the tasks at hand when we are living congruently.


When congruency is NOT present, however, we struggle. We wrestle with flair-ups of internal conflict. We fight to stay driven and engaged. Or we eventually begin to drift- slowly settling for the passableness of the day.



Although often unspoken, we want to feel congruent in our classrooms as teachers.


Idealistic as it may be at times, we want (and need!) our work to feel meaningful and purposeful. It’s important to us to cultivate a learning environment that students love coming to and where they can transform into their best selves. It’s our dream, as science teachers especially, to build a little world within the four walls of our classrooms, where students can let their curiosity run wild and ask all the questions and dream about solutions to problems and explore all the riches of the wonders around us!




As teachers, that is NOT the reality of most of our classrooms…


And many of us are NOT having the classroom experience we had hoped and envisioned for ourselves when we first got into teaching.


There’s incongruency.


The constraints of the school systems in which we work and the needs of the students themselves often drain our energy and chip away at our passion as teachers. Too little time to put together quality lessons. Too many students in too small a space to individually support and care for. Too many barriers to accessing the equipment needed to set up transformational scientific experiences for kids.


And as we struggle with the day-to-day, we are asked to do even more. With the Next Generation Science Standards, we must cultivate a learning environment that prepares our students for lives that require constant adaptation to new social and technological change and stimulates the passion and creativity it will require to succeed in their careers and in their lives… Well, as they say, easier said than done.


But just for a moment let’s remember back to those first days in teaching again.


Let’s take hold of and re-imagine that vision we once had for our classrooms.


Why did you become a teacher? What led you to step into the classroom?


Because we are in a pivotal moment in education.


If ever there was a time we needed extraordinarily passionate and energized educators in the classroom, it’s now.


So, let CrouseWorks Learning help you find that passion, that spark, that exhilaration again that you once felt for teaching- when the student impact felt palpable and the horizons seemed endless.


Because, now more than ever we need educators who are inspired by what they are teaching, confident in the classroom strategies they use, and sold on the importance of their lessons.


And in fact, when we, as teachers, are sold on the importance of our lessons, our students will be too.


So take a moment and tell me in the comments below- what you enjoy most about teaching in the classroom? What led you to step into the classroom in the first place? I’d love to know!


Is it…


  • Finding the most creative ways to communicate and simplify concepts so that all children grow in confidence?
  • Writing articles and content that can interest even the hardest-won students?
  • Cultivating citizenship in your students- broadening their perspectives on different cultures, viewpoints, and global issues hand?
  • Developing leaders and inspiring effective collaborative work in the classroom?
  • Strengthening work ethic, habits, and character in your students?


Our passion for teaching is still there! We just need the tools and support to reenergize us and help us deliver the impact we envision.


So today, let’s begin finding our congruency again. Let’s take a step forward.


Because we were made to give ourselves fully to work that matters. Truly.


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