Teacher knows how to implement the NGSS high school standards

How To Decipher The NGSS Standards

So, you’re a brand-spankin’ new science teacher, set to inspire the next Einstein and cultivate the next Madam Curie!


You’ve got your glasses on, your computer prepped, and your pencil at the ready.


There’s just one problem.


You’ve just pulled up the NGSS standards online.


And suddenly your eyes are doing this…

Surprised Tyler James Williams GIF By ABC Network

“What is all of this?!” you ask.


Where is the list of topics you’re supposed to cover?!


What about enzymes and gas laws and projectile motion?! Do those topics just not exist anymore?


Are they expecting you to spend a whole month on each standard?!


Why are they mixing up all the content together?! Your background is in chemistry- not earth science.


This is not what you signed up for.

Picture of NGSS standards

Yeah, teacher friend, I feel you 100%. 


The NGSS standards are…. whew, man!….. oh-so-inspiring and wonderful in many ways…. yet they are also a lot… like A LOT, A LOT. 


You’re not crazy. 


The NGSS Standards can be utterly overwhelming to take in, especially if you’ve never had someone sit down and walk you through them.


Hence, my friend, the topic of today’s blog post! 




AKA: Throw-Me-A-Life-Vest-Please


Now, this isn’t just any old blog post about NGSS standards. This is a NGSS blog post that is also CRAM PACKED with links to all the BEST, FREE NGSS-aligned lesson and unit resources you can find on the web today. 


That’s right! No muss. No fuss. Below, in this post, you’ll find tangible, ready-to-go NGSS lessons you can plug and play into your classroom starting tomorrow! 


Because I know what it feels like to be introduced to the NGSS standards, be inspired by them for 10 seconds, and then slowly slink down into a pit of despair, realizing how much more work you’ll have to do to enact the standards in your class.


So, for you, my friend- let’s skip that whole slinking down into a pit of despair feeling and just stay zeroed in on feeling excited and inspired and passionate about what NGSS has to offer! 😉 


In this post, expect me to start big picture with the NGSS-standards and then slowly work down to the nitty gritty details about how to hammer them out in your classroom.

SECTION 1: Learn how NGSS was developed and structured.

Now, for this part, I’m going to defer to one of America’s experts on NGSS. 


If you are not familiar with Paul Andersen, then you are about to be hit with a truckload of riches my friend, because this guy is most definitely a Youtube sensation you should know as a science teacher. 


Paul Andersen talks about all things NGSS on his channel and breaks down the NGSS standards in the best way I’ve ever encountered.


So watch his video to get a great overview of the NGSS standards.

SECTION 2: Analyze the outcomes of NGSS

Okay, so now that you have seen the big picture of NGSS, let’s get a better feel for the outcomes of NGSS.


This part is always exciting to me because it’s when you start to see the power of NGSS and what students are capable of producing through it.


You will have a clearer vision for your NGSS-inspired classroom when you take time to understand how the NGSS standards are assessed.


Please click on the weblink below to explore NGSS-aligned assessments for each topic. This website brings together NGSS assessments that Paul Andersen and other contributors put together.


Notice, you can actually download these assessments from the website, edit them, and use them with your students for FREE!


Yes- you heard me right! So, go fill up that Googledrive of yours stat 😉

The Wonder of Science: Performance Assessments

(click here)

PART 3: NGSS-aligned resources

Okay, so here come the goodies! What does it look like to practically carry out the NGSS standards in class starting tomorrow?


Well, never fear because below, you will find a list of must-see websites hosting a TON of FREE, EDITABLE, NGSS-aligned lessons and units you can immediately utilize in your classroom!


Start clicking away, my friend, and downloading to your heart’s content!


PART 4: Double-checking resources

Did your school recently purchase a textbook that says it is “NGSS-aligned?” Are you wondering if your own resources are NGSS aligned?


Well then, check out this NGSS-alignment screener link below.


This free screener will help you determine how closely aligned a resource is with the NGSS standards.


Take a look!

NGSS Lesson Screener

(click here)

Well, wasn’t that blog post something or what?! Packed a lot in today…


I hope you’re feeling revved up for NGSS after reading this post! And more importantly, I hope you’ve found some practical, realistic strategies that will help you implement NGSS in your classroom starting this week!

P.S. If you’re especially passionate about NGSS and want to learn more, check out this next blog post on how I create thematic, phenomenon-based units in my science classes. 


In the blog you’ll even find a FREEBIE link to my action-packed guidebook with my famous 5-step-thematic-unit-kickstarter framework


That guidebook includes some of my best and most innovative curriculum design strategies, so you, too can experience the riches of exhilarating science lessons and bought-in students!


Check out the blog post today!

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